Floral Foam Trays & Bowls

Floral Foam Trays & Bowls

Floral Bowls, Trays and Containers for Floral Foam

There are a vast selection of floral containers available. Use the right plastic floral bowl, vase or brick tray. Most plastic containers are designed to suit every requirement. Bigger floral arrangements will require larger bowls or containers. Try to look out for recycled plastic containers where possible. All of thefloral trays and bowls featured below are available in our florist category

If you're using real flowers use a wet floral foam brick or cylinder. For dry artificial/silk flowers then a dry foam brick or cylinder should be used. The height of your arrangement will determine whether you can slice the foam in half. This not only helps with stability but also means you get two floral arrangements from a single piece of foam. Some floral plastic containers are shaped perfectly for use with foam bricks and cylinders. However, most floral foam can easily be cut down to fit your plastic container. 

For real floral arrangements when shaping your wet foam, leave a little space in the plastic bowl to put in extra water. This will give a longer life to real flowers and foliage. Dry or silk floral arrangements do not require water in the plastic container. To help stabilise and hold down these types of floral arrangements we recommend using a decorative aggregate. Pebbles can also hold down your arrangement and give a lovely natural finish.

There are also many other plastic floral accessories. Here are just a few that are used in the floral trade and with homemade floral arrangements.

Foam Pin Holders (Frogs)

These are mainly used to firmly hold the foam in position using a floral fix/tack when using a plastic bowl, brick try or container. They have holes at the base making a stronger adhesion. Simply fix the frog to the base of the plastic container and then push the foam onto it.

frog pin holders florist foam

Spray Trays With Handles

Most spray tray handles have moulded spikes to hold the wet or dry foam in place. They are mainly used for funeral sprays and church arrangements for easy transport. The convenient hole in the handle is for easy hanging.

florist foam spray tray

Plastic Candle Holders

Plastic candle holders come in various sizes to suit a variety of candles. The holders have a moulded spike at the base to easily insert into foam prior to creating your floral display. Typically used when making a Christmas table floral centerpiece or other special events and occasions. Plastic candle holders are available in 3 different size, 1 inch, 2 inch and 3 inch. 

candle holders plastic greenSquare Round Bowls

Square round bowls are designed to accept 1/3 of a standard foam brick. They can be used for funeral floral arrangements, churches, weddings and reception flower displays. They include 4 mounting points to attach the foam brick. Available in white and green. Square round bowls feature a circular outer diameter and a square inner to sit the foam brick.

square round florist bowl trayJunior Bowls

Similar to square round bowls, these floral bowls are designed to accept foam cylinders. Available in green and white.

floral foam junior bowl

Brick Trays

Florist Foam brick trays are available in green and black. They are available in 3 sizes. Single brick trays are designed to accept 1 foam brick. They also come in double and triple sizes to accept 2 and 3 bricks per tray for larger flower arrangements. Use anchor tape or pot tape to secure your foam brick to the trays.

floral foam brick tray